Aimee Batuski: Expanding Pleasure to Magnetize Your Life

On episode 18, we dial deep into the power of pleasure with Aimee Batuski, a Pleasure and Intimacy Expert committed to helping women live turned-on, connected, satisfying lives. She is the co-founder of Desire on Fire, a retreat company based in California. Through her virtual and in-person work leading workshops and retreats all over the world, she’s taught hundreds of women how to create wild, confident intimacy, hot sex, and fulfilling relationships.

Pleasure goes beyond just the juiciness of sexuality, kink and orgasm (though those are very much welcome and explored). Rather, it expands into how we show up in the world in our full capacity to feel ALL the feels of our “divine energy.” The simplest pleasure of presence can become the creative catalyst for everything else we dance with in life. For starters, we can begin to honestly assess all the ways in which we distract, numb out and disconnect to our bodies (drinking, eating, buying, overanalyzing…) and move more fully into feeling ourselves exactly as we are, even if that means being more honestly with the other polarity of pleasure -- pain. Coming into the balance with the inner feminine is an invitation to stretch that muscle of pleasure. 

“What in this moment would have this be 10% more pleasurable for you?” This reflective question and many more pleasure practices come through in this liberating conversation. Other topics we cover include:

  • What’s missing in cultural discourse about healthy sexuality in the aftermath of #metoo 

  • What does the goddess archetype actually mean (and yes, it’s for anyone to claim, including your 100 year old grandma)

  • Pleasure is a “nutrient and medicine” and arguably just as important as our basic physiological needs 

  • How to navigate pain and pleasure simultaneously, and find the pleasure beyond the pain

  • The difference between erotic and sexual power on the pleasure path

  • The forgotten, neglected or shadow parts of women that are most craving to be seen

  • Pleasure practices to play with in the time of COVID

  • Envisioning the culture of pleasure in 10 years

This show is hosted at Destination Outpost, a coliving and coworking community based out in Bali.

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